Day Three – After Sunset Apr 25th

“Be Holy – for I am Holy?”
The English word “holy” has origins in the word “whole.” It carries with it the idea of being wholly devoted to God. Holiness is more about devotion than just doing things the right way. Our example of wholehearted devotion is God Himself. Have you ever thought about that? We usually compare our devotion to other people. God desires a people who love Him with their whole heart. He demonstrated His love and devotion to His people by paying the price for them and redeeming them from the slavery of sin.
Yeshua explained to His disciples that He sanctified Himself to fulfill His work of salvation for His own. Discuss John 17:11-23 and how His example and instructions relate to us as His disciples. What kind of things should we be doing (based on this passage) as we trust Him to do His work in us, enabling us to serve others for Him?

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